Elements | Sulphides | Halides | Oxides | Carbonates | Borates | Sulfates |
Phosphates | Silicates | Organic
Compounds | Rocks & Meteorites
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
Rocks & Meteorites 岩石與隕石 |
Name |
Composition |
Hardness |
SG |
Igneous Rocks 火成岩 |
2.6-3.8 |
Felsic 長英斑岩 |
Granite 花崗岩 |
Main composition is SiO2 |
Monzonite 二長岩 |
A coarse-grained pultonic igneous rock consisting of equal amounts of plagioclase and orthoclase feldspar, with ferromagnesian minerals |
Larvikite/Laurvikite 歪鹼正長岩 |
contain significant components of all three end-member feldspars. |
6.0–6.5 |
~ 2.59 |
Obsidian 黑曜岩 |
SiO2 |
Pegmatite 偉晶岩 |
Different types of pegmatite contain different
chemical composition |
流紋岩 |
Rhyolite is a type of volcanic magma,
main composition is Quartz & Alkaline Feldspars |
Syenite 正長岩 |
Consist of little Plagioclase Feldspars
and very little Quartz |
Igneous Rocks 中性火成岩 |
Basic 基性安山岩 |
Basalt 玄武岩(火山岩,深色) |
Main composition is Sodium Silicoaluminate
or Silicon Calciumn Aluminate, Silica (SiO2),
may also contain high concentration of Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)
& Magnesium Oxide Mg(OH)2,
is a type of small & packed black rock. |
Gabbro 飛白岩/輝長岩 |
Main composition is Ferromagnesium minerals
& Anorthite. |
5-6 |
2.9-3.2 |
Diorite 閃長岩 |
Main composition is Andesine & Hornblende. |
Utrabasic 超基性火成岩 |
Peridotite 橄欖岩 |
Contain Peridot & Magnesium Iron minerals |
Sedimentary Rocks 沉積岩 |
Clastic 碎屑水成岩 |
Conglomerate 礫岩 |
Main composition is silicon, the cement
mineral is Calciuim. |
石英岩 |
Main composition is Quartz. |
7 |
2.64-2.71 |
沙岩 |
Quartz、Feldspar、Clay |
2.6 (大約) |
Siltstone 沙泥岩/粉砂岩 |
From hardening clay materials to form
small granular particles of sedimentary rocks. |
Organic Sedimentary Rocks 有機沉積岩 |
Coal 煤 |
Main composition is Carbon、Hydrogen、Oxygen
& little Nitroogen、Sulphur or other elements. |
Limestone 石灰岩 |
Main composition is Calcium Carbonate(CaCO3). |
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks 化學沉積岩 |
Evaporites 蒸發岩 |
Main composition is sodium chloride or
calcium sulfate. |
Travertine 石灰華 |
Main composition is calcium carbonate,
is a kind of porous rock. |
Metamorphic Rocks 變質岩 |
Metamorphosed Rocks
區域變質岩 |
Mica Schist 雲母片岩 |
Main composition is Mica minerals, like
Muscovite、Phengite & Biotite. Quartz & Feldspar are also common.
Secondary minerals are Chlorite, Calcite, Pyrite and Magnetite. |
Gneiss 片麻岩 |
Main composition is Feldspar、Quartz &
Mica. |
Marble 大理石 |
Main composition is Calcium Carbonate(CaCO3). |
Serpentinite 蛇紋岩 |
Component is layered structure containing
Magnesium silicate mineral,Chemical composition as Mg6[Si4O10]
(OH)8。 |
Contact Metamorphosed Rocks
接觸變質岩 |
Contact Chert 接觸燧石 |
Main composition is SiO2 |
Skarn 夕卡岩 |
Main composition is Wallastonite. |
Meteorites 隕鐵 |
Main composition is Iron & Nickel. |
3-7.3 |
Moldavite 捷克隕石
Main composition is SiO2 |
2.34–2.39 |
Tektites 黑隕石 |
Main composition is SiO2 |
5.5 |
2.34–2.51 |